Sunday, October 09, 2005

Sunday! Sunday! Sunday!

Yesterday I woke up at 6:30 a.m., which is what time I usually wake up during my work week. I don't like to sleep late on the weekends because I use my precious Saturdays and Sundays to cram in all those things that I'm too busy to do during the week days. My perfect daily schedule would be to wake up early, stay up late, and take a nap in the middle of the day when my batteries start to run low.

So I woke up early, had some coffee, and started cleaning. Saturday was laundry-dishes-floors-pay bills-general straighten-up the house day, all in preparation for SUNDAY!, the day that I'm determined to dedicate to working on one or more of the dozen altered book and collage ideas that are pressing on my brain... [Continued on Artful Journey]


Blogger Crafty Green Poet said...

HI Karen, I like your blog and website very much! I think you're making some of the most beautiful altered books, certainly that I've seen!
Enjoy your artful weekend!

10/15/2005 06:14:00 AM  

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